Monday, October 8, 2012

Five Things | The Gratitude Journal

{Quiet Moments in the front yard}

October! What fun to enter into the first full month of Autumn and begin to enjoy the change in the season and all the lovelies that go with it! Here?s just a peek into our week . . .

{a clear blue sky}

Monday, October 1st, 2012
1. Phil didn?t have to work away and was able to work at the house!
2. Phonics, Math, & Art with Dietrich.
3. A trip to Costco for certain supplies to last the month . . . chips & cheese & chocolate chips & chicken? yep.
4. Another trip to IKEA with the family after supper for a couple of items.
5. It?s not always great for getting work done and getting to bed on time, but I am into such a reading mode right now {finally, again!!}, and yes, reading lots of great books!?

{practice writing cursive t?s}


Tuesday, October 2nd, 2012
1. Veerrry Rainy Day . . . good for snuggling & stories & movies.
2. Four loads of laundry. Apologies to dryer and husband.
3. Cleaning a couple of corners and packing a few boxes.
4. Pumpkin Pie in the oven.
5. Thai Chicken Curry over Rice for dinner and of course, Pumpkin Pie for dessert


Wednesday, October 3rd, 2012
1. Another wet & dreary day: the chairs, blankets, toys, craft supplies, books, snack bowls,
and more?taking up the living space in my trailer for two days in a row is about to drive me mad!
2. A quick run to the health food store for a few items.
3. Decided on our hardwood stain color today between about 6 sample areas on the floor.
4. Phil installed the last of our granite kitchen counter & beautiful kitchen sink! {love!}
5. Garlic Chicken, scalloped potatoes, and roasted brussel sprouts for supper tonight.

{Marla & me?. . . taken?this summer}

Thursday, October 4th, 2012
1. Third consecutive wet and dreary day. OK~time to do something or go somewhere, preferably with a friend.
A couple text messages & a phone call later . . .
2. My friend Marla & children stop in for a couple of hours: she brings snack wraps, I share coffee & chocolate, our children play, we?talk house and life and homeschooling and more besides . . . I love her! {And my children love hers}
3. A bit of laundry and cleaning up. Feeling so giddy about the drawers and cupboards and closets that await me.
I?m never be queen of organization, but surely a little more SPACE will help!? You know, a place for everything and everything in it?s place?!
4. A yummy chili soup & cornbread and apple crisp & ice cream supper on Mom Nissley?s patio.
5. A quick run to the nearest nail salon for some added ?pretty? & popping into the grocery store for some shampoo, and home again to find the children in their PJ?s and listening to their dad read a story. Ahhh, I love it.

{fall bouquet in my kitchen}

Friday, October 5th, 2012
1. I was up early to bake pumpkin muffins, pack Phil?s lunch and one for the rest of us too,
and put baked oatmeal into the oven for the children?s breakfast.
2. Sunshine & Blue Skies once again!
3. I blogged some while the children played outside.
4. We were off to the park at noon with our packed lunch, and then to a couple of shoe stores.
5. We couldn?t really be at the house tonight because of the hardwood floors needing to cure . . .
so we went and picked apples at a local orchard for cider processing next week.

Saturday, October 6th, 2012
1. Breakfast together and then it?s ?off to the races? . . . {we look forward to lazy Saturdays again soon!}
2. I pack kitchen things . . . and take a quick picture to remember our first cozy kitchen.
3. A phone call from my mom. Do we ever run out of things to say?
4. I watch our little porch being built and ?help? put the final column in place.
5. We stop in at the open house of one of Phil?s clients who recently bought a home . . .
and then to an evening get-together with some of his cousins whom we rarely see.

?{loving my new shoes! the most comfortable
pair I?ve owned in a while!}

Sunday, October 7th, 2012
1. A chilly morning, so we break out the warm clothes for going to church . . .
2. I enjoy our Adult Bible Fellowship so much . . . esp. since we haven?t met together in about two months because of other schedules and joint classes with others at church.
3. ?Lunch and naps. Does it get any better than a Sunday afternoon siesta for everyone?
4. Reading, reading, reading. Maybe it?s the stage of my children just now, but I feel that I can finally really get into big thick books again without hundreds of interruptions, of course nap time always helps with that too.
5. We couldn?t think of anywhere to invite ourselves that we haven?t invited ourselves to within the past couple of weeks . . .
and since our own house is in a bit of upheaval, we weren?t going to invite anyone over this week . . . and the cupboards were a little bare. . . so we went out for a bite to eat. Here?s to better stocked cupboards and moving days behind us soon so we can resume some normal life and?hospitality. :)

{I am thoroughly enjoying this book by Pearl & Serene.
I?d love to do a ?book club? with it for several weeks or a couple of months . . .
would anyone local be interested in meeting at my house to share ideas,
sample from the recipes and such? Maybe in the new year??Let me know.
If you are familiar with healthy eating as presented in the Maker?s Diet
or Shoshanna Easling?s ?Making Babies? . . . this book will have a ?familiar feel?
to it . . . but with additional information about staying trim {the science behind it}
and so many practical recipes and tips for feeding your family well
and keeping yourself trim . . . all with the same meal plan.}


And now, it?s another dreary Monday . . . and lots to do! May the Lord bless you and keep you, friends. May He cause His face to shine upon you and be gracious to you, and give you peace.


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